Elegant and provocative, the JC black bottles and logo give this product a distinguished look. The extra strength and dark component of the drink is the main theme of this concept, which is the reason why the container is dressed in ebony from head to toe.

Mad C - perhaps the most famous girl who paints graffiti.Almost a year ago, she drew a huge picture of 639.6 square meters.At its creation out: 1489 cans of paint, 158 different colors, more than 600 kepov, 100 l of primer and 140 l facade of enamel.Last photo clickable, you need to assess the scale of the work.

Wedding decorations on the beach, the white sand under the scorching sun.This is probably the best place for a wedding, so are you ready to come and enjoy the wedding parties.

Drunk People

by eddy | 05:32 in , , , , |

A selection of people who can relax on sunday after drinking. see where the drunk people get down.